#100DaysOfCode: Week 2

It’s week two! Two! That’s like a sequel to a week, another chapter to a book, a new week to a month, and well because it definitely was!

How time flies and crawls at the same time!

Anyway, remember in last week’s post I’ve confessed about some discomfort in me-gut-stomach about asking for help, code reviews, and etc.? Well I tried to sneakity sneak it into casual conversations with our team lead and you know what happened? Probably the best thing in the world an ‘unsure’ dev could experience!

Basically said I’m kinda feeling guilty about asking my teammates for constant code reviews, questions, and help. And that I felt like I was bugging them with their daily tasks/tickets.

His reply? Assurance and empathy. He said that whatever I’m doing now, that it’s correct. That asking questions and code reviews is pretty normal and I really shouldn’t be worried about it. That I was just only doing my job and that my teammates responding to me would just be also them doing their job. He also said to not worry because we’ve all been there. They’ve been the new guy and that they know that it will take time and there’s no better way to jumpstart it but to ask for help.

I swear to you I felt my heart sank because I’ve never felt words powered with empathy and assurance in my entire dev life. (And I know this should be normalized and should just be the bare minimum standard of leadership, but realistically, people like these are rare and I’m just so grateful and appreciative of this)

That was probably the highlight of this week 2. I reflected upon that experience and wanted to pass that on whenever I can and however I can within my career.

But aside from that, there were a lot of learning opportunities this week! Here are some:

  • Render Props
  • useCallback vs useMemo
  • Html canvas
  • the CH unit
  • composability of components


But as all the good things that happened this week, the bad balances it out. I’ve been sick the entire weekend and was coughing and sneezing like a maniac the whole week. So you could say that I was pretty sick the entire week. Was so fatigued and tired when I got home from work I couldnt do much activities but rest.

Also! Since we’re talking about extra activities, I started participating in Ms. Cassidy William’s (@cassidoo) newsletter interview quizzes. I havent figured it out yet but I’ll continue the answer this weekend (Hope I feel better!)

And yeah, that’s pretty much it for this second week of my #100daysofcode

Hope you’re having a blast at your own adventures, too!

See you next week!

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